Help us create a legacy – the first archive of LGBTQI migrants of all faiths and none in Britain


Scotch: My name is Scotch, that’s my public DJ name. I’m originally from South Africa, I’m from — province in —- My tribe is Zulu.

Eliza: My name is Eliza Goroya. I am culturally Christian Orthodox. I am queer femme, an immigrant here in London, working class, pansexual and feminist.

Matias: My name is Matias –– I’m from Chinese and Indonesian heritage.

Victoria: My name is Victoria –– I’m originally from the Philippines. I am a Filipina, transgender, heterosexual woman. Living here in the United Kingdom for almost nine years now.

Matias: I’m glad that I am gay. I’m very grateful that I am Christian. I’m very thankful that I am Chinese-Indonesian. And I feel very blessed that I am an immigrant.

Victoria: The interconnection of my whole being – as a Filipina, transgender, heterosexual, woman, and my faith as an Atheist – whether you consider it a faith or just an unbeliever, those identity belongs to me.

Scotch: I was brought up as a Jew, a black Jew. I got that from my mum’s side.

Matias: I feel like I am literally a better person of faith, a better Christian because I am gay. Not only to myself but also to the community – to my church community or my community in general.

Scotch: My student ID is an object and a rite of passage that leads me into education because I believe that when you have education, no one can take that away.

Victoria: During my childhood I have very short hair. For years, or almost nine years, I have now showing my hair like this – so this is what reflects me and this is reassuring my identity, this is how I express myself.

Scotch: Rainbow Pilgrims has really brought so much difference in me because it has made me realise the fact that you can be anything that you want and still fall under the LGBT spectrum with your faith regardless.

Victoria: It’s really important to be part of Rainbow Pilgrims to raise awareness of people’s diversity; of people within the LGBTQI community and to show that we are beautiful in our own way.

Eliza: Even if you hesitate or you feel a bit that your story does not matter, I tell you it does matter. If you can find any kind of medium to tell your story – voice or blog, any kind of traces that you can leave, use this project to actually leave traces of that story so people can track back and say that you existed and your story mattered.

Matias: Share your story.

Scotch: Share your story.

Eliza: Share your story.

Victoria: Share your story.

